Dude, Chad is an incel term.
The minute you start quoting incels-the minute I stop listening.
I’ve encountered incels here on medium. The ones I have encountered have told me all about who I am, what I really want as a woman, what I think, how I was raised, and then get mad me for it. None of it has ever been true. They project some sort of alternate reality based on their experiences into me, which I have no part of. It’s really frustrating to have someone make up all sorts of lies about you and yell them at your face.
One time I tried reasoning with one, and told him true facts about me to try to connect.
He told me I was incapable of being logical since I am a woman, I explained I literally have a degree in logic and mathematics, he then said that was irrelevant, he has a degree in business, women are incapable of being logical.
Another one accused me of giving dating advice when I was discussing a behavior my ex husband engaged in that I found fascinating. I told him I wasn’t talking about dating, I was talking about something interesting a former partner did, he then lectured me on how I don’t know anything about dating and am incapable of dating successfully. I explained I’m had great success dating and he responded with “whatever, I’m sure you’re ugly anyway” as if somehow that devalues my entire knowledge. I think they see the world as some sort of hierarchy of attractiveness and anyone under a certain number shouldn’t be listened too. What a sad belief system to be stuck in.
It’s so weird, they have their story and there seems to be nothing I can do but just walk away from them.
I feel bad for them, they must be so lonely, frustrated, desperate, angry, and probably really wanting to get laid. But me engaging with them does nothing to help. I hope you can reach some of them and help them out. Any sight of them, and we go running for the hills.
Best of luck helping them!