Christians can be very black and white with their thinking about religion. I had to give up being a Christian myself around 15 years ago. When I explained to my sister I was no longer Christian, she assumes I was an atheist, and that I “had issues with God” which I do not. I do believe in God, just not Christianity per say. I’ve heard Christians refer to atheists as “hard hearted” as if they are just mean and stubborn. In fact given the hate often preaches around LBGTQ people, and the devotion to it in many churches, Id say Christian’s are the ones with hard hearts. Or they can be, they vary depending on the church, person etc.
A Christian once told me I was constantly be indoctrinated into atheism, the example she gave me was learning about the Big Bang. I remember telling her about this book I read on string theory, she freaked out and told me the very thought people would think about such things shows they don’t believe in God. Because Investigating such ideas instead of just “trusting him” was seems as atheistic.
It was crazy, like she was anti science, because everything was either about God or it was atheists propaganda. Weird. Christians can be very black and white.