2 min readJun 18, 2020



I’d date you, with or without a body pick! I don’t care. I think you’re elegant, beautiful, insightful and interesting. Of course I am a queer woman and I have no idea if you are, so there’s that. I hope I’m not creeping you out and I do apologize if I am.

Anyway, straight men can be so illogical and contradictory. I’ve heard that testosterone makes them more focused on the visual while estrogen refocuses a person’s senses on touch. That being said, It’s pretty bizarre men don’t like it all when they’re rejected for not being attractive. You’d think from the standards they hold their potential female partners too they’d care enough about appearances to try to look attractive. They invest way less in making themselves look good (they don’t wear makeup, they don’t spend nearly as much time on clothes, they are judged way less on their bodies, don’t pay the pink tax, ect) We as women are expected to put up with their dad bods, laziness in their appearance, them not smelling good, insufficient crotch sizes, baldness, being to short/to tall, and all sorts of other things. We’re somehow considered shallow if reject a guy for any of these reasons. But then you hear about men who won’t date women over a certain size, a certain weight, height, hair length, and other BS. Then they get mad if they’re ugly and we don’t want them. It’s a total double standard. Here’s a clue straight dudes of the world, women do not exist for your gazing enjoyment, and if you really think that, please know few women will actually want you if you are held to the standards you hold them too. And make sure you are an adonis otherwise there’s no point in an attractive woman wanting you back. Why would she?

Also, straight dudes of the world, if you want to be with a woman, don’t be a shallow jerk and you’ll find there are plenty of beautiful women out there. If few women meet your visual-expectations, then maybe you aren’t worthy of beautiful women, maybe don’t be someone shallow and more women will like you for seeing people as people, not just objects to enjoy looking at.

I love the fact I am queer because the truth is I love a wide variety of body types and find them all enjoyable. And may I say, Fat Women Bodies are absolutely sexy, soft, wonderful, and fun. Straight dudes who won’t date such women are missing out; it’s their loss and they are only hurting themselves with their prejudices. I can’t have empathy for people who turn their noses up at a gourmet buffet, then complain they’re starving to death. I guess it’s just more for me then….




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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