But how do we know? No one knows if someone is fat due to a medical issue or because of their lifestyle choices. The vast majority of women with lipedema are undiagnosed and are told they are just unhealthy, lazy, and fat. The body positivity movement says that even a woman who looks like me, is beautiful. No one knows how she got there, if it's from a lifestyle, her genetics, or from a medical condition. Most doctors assume I am fat because I am I don't take care of myself, only 10% of doctors actually know about lipedema. When we look at a stranger, we have no idea what lead them to their body looking that way. Body positivity says that even large women like me are beautiful. I admit, there are some people who chose to be large, but I don't think the body positivity is telling people to stop exercising and being fat, I have never seen anything telling women to stop caring for their body in the body positivity movement. It is saying that larger women like are beautiful, and many of us are this size with taking excellent care of our bodies. We don't know. No one can look at a woman and know what's going on and why she is the size she is. Maybe the best thing to do is not assume and tell other people how to live their lives and judge them by their body size. If people want to be unhealthy that's their prerogative, and maybe it's no one business what they do with their body. We as a society need to stop shamming people for what they chose to do with their bodies. Shamming others for what they chose to do with their own bodies does not make us healthier. People can chose have healthy lives and diet and exercise without judging and assuming total strangers aren't. We don't need people shamming us for our fatness in order for them to make their own healthy lifestyle choices.
A friend of mine got cancer and decided against chemo therapy, which I think is a disastrous decision. But again it's her body her choice. There's no need for me to shame her for her unhealthy behavior, or have society claim she is ugly because she is doing something unhealthy. Her body her choice, it doesn't make her ugly.
Fat people for whatever reason exist, and we shouldn't be shamed for being fat, it's no one's busines why we're fat, how we're fat, or our life choices anymore than my friend with cancer, and that doesn't make them ugly. Saying bodies of all sizes are beautiful is not encouraging people to destroy their bodies, it's saying people like me are beautiful too. We can say people like me are still beautiful, it doesn't imply people need to stop exercising and be unhealthy, because slim people are beautiful too. There's not good reason to judge strangers acceptance of their size, it doesn't help anyone and you can never know what they are fat, maybe it's their own business and really now your problem.