As a woman living with lipedema and hypothyroidism, I have to say, for me, no. This is wrong. Weight loss is not simple for me.
I am very much on a low-calorie diet, and due to factors beyond my control, mainly lipedema and hypothyroidism, losing weight is much harder and much more complicated. I still lose weight, but I have to work about 10 times harder than most people to lose significantly less. And when I do lose weight, it's only in certain areas due to the lipedema. Women with lipdema can literally starve to death, and still have grotesque deposits of fat on our legs, arms, thighs, hips and other areas. I exercise 8-10 hours a week and am in great shape. I live on a low-carb, very low cal diet, and have done so for 4 years, before that 2 years low fat and sugar free. And this is what it takes for me to lose 5-7 pounds a year for 1-3 years. Now I am simply maintaining my BMI of 33 on this intense diet. Yet I am still 25 pounds over the obesity limit, and always will be. I would like to have a child, but apparently my calorie intake is so low, I am unable to conceive unless I eat more. And then after that I know the weight from pregnancy will never fully come off, and it’s probable I will become so fat I will be unable to walk. Lipedema fat doesn't go away with diet or exercise. A woman with lipedema can diet and exercise like crazy, and it won't help, only slow the disease rather than treat it. On my extreme life-style, I am still extremely large, and I am not rare. 11% of women have lipedema and many more hypothyrodism. There are many people like me, and other people telling us that weight loss is simple is ignorant and insensitive. People assume because of my size I am somehow lazy or undisciplined or just plain stupid because I am still fat, even though I have literally done all that I can to lose weight. And why wouldn’t they? Weight loss is simple right? If I can’t do this simple thing, it must be because I am stupid, undisciplined, or lazy. No one considers I have actual biomedical reasons for being fat. They just see my body and judge me. No, it's not simple for me, and the millions of other people in my situation.
Perhaps you should title your article that weight loss for you is simple, because for the many people like me, it's really not.