As a Mom, one of the worst things I've seen related to this is Mom shamming. People are so over the wall happy to complain how a woman parents, or if she even should be allowed to be a parent. I don't hear this around Dad's. Everyone's just happy Dad exists, if anything he needs to do the dishes more.
Most of it appears to be coming from Mom's, probably in an effort to be the best parent possible they go and develop their opinions and use it to criticize others in their own self-made- parenting class of one.
I feel like women we have a lot of pressure on us, and then a lot of pressure to escape the mold set up for us by society, but of course making another mold for us to fit in that is the anti-mold of something else. Let's all just let go and accept we are all different. Let's enjoy our differences rather than fall into the trap that if we do the right things we will get to become the right type of woman. We're all conditioned to put lots of pressure on ourselves to be, something I guess. It's hard to stop , and it's easy to judge others to make ourselves feel better. It's exhausting, but I do see it everywhere.