As a lesbian, becoming pregnant is an expensive job that takes lots of planning. My daughter is everything to me.
We tried for another one, and I was elated at the positive test.
6 weeks later I’m in the tub holding my partners hand passing what was left of our hopes. I will always consider myself a mother of two, though they never had a heart beat.
I named my almost child after a flower, got a picture of said flower, and framed it, writing a note in the back.
I will try again, but there’s not a lot of time left for me. My pregnancies were both miracles, and I don’t have the money to just keep trying.
This is a beautiful story, it needs to be talked about more.
I am very much prochoice, mourning and grieving a baby you thought you were making is not pro-life. That positive test is a hope, you think you have a baby growing in you, and it becomes something else. Or the cancer your wife had, my god, I’m so sorry for your losses.
This is a beautiful story.