Also don't forget the women who are written as pick-me girls that are so bad, they clearly are just there to satisfy men's fantasies.
Like the woman who can't be in a relationship with a man, so she just choses to sleep with men with no emotional attachment, and feels way better after having unattached sex, because in the morning she can make them pancakes and bacon with coffee and feels fulfilled at pretending to be their wife with no emotional attachment. She can fuck him, make him breakfast, iron his clothing, because it makes her happy, then they both move on because they just aren't relationship people.
Especially when The Queen Gambit's (Netflix series) mother dies, and she copes by just sleeping with a man she dislikes who is way uglier than her because it just comforts her to pretend to be his wife for a month or so, but has no emotional attachment to him.
Then she is "not like other girls" because she doesn't care about fashion, makeup, or how she looks, but always wear gorgeous clothes that fit her perfectly and accent her perfect figure just the right way, and her face has perfect, stunning makeup applied at all times of the day and night. And she has sexy shaved legs and Pitts, despite not having the time or interest in shaving them. It's because she's so smart.
Damn, I want her personal stylist and a live-in makeup artist, who reapplies even while I am sleeping, too!