2 min readJun 5, 2023


After my daughter was born, my therapist recommended finding time to go on dates with my partner, and I found it helped our relationship A LOT. We go once every other week or so.

However, just because something works for him, doesn't mean it works for you. If you have found a way to have an intimate, close relationship with your wife, that works with your lifestyle, good for you. I hate it when others assume their reality is everyone's reality. As an autistic person, I have had so many experiences where what works for others, just doesn't for me. I often have to carve my own path, find my own solutions, and they are often very different and not what others expect. Anyone who tells me their way is the only way to do something, is not someone I want in my life.

Clearly, a point here you are trying to make is that this guy does not understand your life, your challenges as a parent, and your relationships with your wife. He doesn't get it, and is short sighted enough to think that he does-which is annoying, and immature.

The real question, which I ask myself regularly, is why do you care? The internet is always full of idiots, and trolls, who are there preaching their own gospel, wiling to man-plain, and just being general jerks. I do it all the time, and I can't stop it. I have found within myself is part of my autism mistakenly believes if I make a good enough argument and learn to communicate enough we can all come to an agreement. Like there is one truth, and if I just reach enough people we can all agree. I know on an intellectual level this is impossible, my I have this compulsion to try. It bothers me that so many people can be idiots, can't we just explain it all away with enough reason? Apparently no.

So, why are you listening to this idiot online? Did he hit some sort of nerve inside of you? Are you feeling guilty or wanting more time like date nights with your wife and feeling frustrated but have just accepted it's impossible given you have three kids? Are you angry at the guy mansplaining? Is arguing with him distracting you from a bigger issue in your life you're not wanting to deal with?

Are you feeling judged as a husband and a father or have been Dad-shamed and now this guy is a representative of that entire culture and arguing with him represents arguing with others who shame you? I'm totes curious here, it's fascinating to me that you care what some random troll is doing to you on the internet. It kind of reminds me of those annoying Mom influencers who act like they have everything together on their instagram but their lives in reality aren't anything like that.

Anyway, as a new parent, trying to find my own balance, I enjoyed this little read. :)




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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