1Omg I LOVE The Big Lebowski!
Do women hate it?
My dad always told me the dude is his hero.
I think it’s colorful, and despite the lack of ambition (it certainly pokes fun at ambition, as well as the hippy feel of the baby boomers) it asks a lot of questions.
Is there any real meaning to life? Is life about ambition (as Myra Lebowski symbolism)? art (Myra again)? Wealth or appearance of success (Mr. Lebowski), sex (by the whole porno thing)? Is life about marrying up (Mrs Lebowski), creating a new life for yourself (also Mrs Lebowski) solving mysteries (The Dude) or is life about nothing at all (the nihilist).
The revolution of the 60s with feminism, the sexual revolution, and the wealth opportunity, what did they eventually lead to, what was the goal, what world did they lead to?
The Dude, and his gang, in many ways has a balanced life. He has community with his bowling friends, he has a laidback low stress environment, a suitable home that is sufficiently decorated (until his rug is destroyed), a suitable moral compass. I have no idea where his income comes from but he gets by well enough. He has a sense of purpose with his bowling league, which could be argue is pretty useless, but so is Myra’s art or the foundation or everything else. He is even smart enough to figure out the mystery he is drawn into. He is confronted with so many colorful characters who each have a different reason for living, different purposes in life, but he doesn’t need any of it. His life puzzle is for the most part complete, he just needs a new rug and no one except his best friend seems to understand that. The Dude above all else, is a good leasing today because despite the chaotic world around him, has little anxiety. Life today puts so much pressure on people, women we feels this, to be ambitious, successful, to have passion, be good friends/lovers/parents to others, we get so caught up in these things we lose track of life. The dude just doesn’t care, these things have lost their anxiety and self-judgment for him. They are water off his back. In this way he is the hero of the stressed out person of today. It reminds me of the book of ecclesiastics “This too is vanity, and chasing after the wind”
Also interesting his The Dudes best friend, who brings in his devotion to his religion and how vital that structure is to his life. That element is also present. When their close friend Donnie dies, and they have the funeral, it begs the question of what was his life about? Also, why is a basic receptical for keeping ashes in it over a thousand dollars, and will a simple coffee can suffice? Is life about having a lovely urn when you die? Do we need lovely urns to respect that life happened? How do we celebrate life?
I mean it’s a damn good thought provoking movie if you ask me.
Makes me wanna go have a White Russian…