1/4 “women” are sexually assaulted.
Women is in quotes because children as young a 8 years old are able to get pregnant. These women and children never ordered the meal to begin with.
Also, staying and paying for the meal, which is a cost, is different than the actual act of childbirth.
Childbirth can and does kill women.
I recently had a baby myself, and I almost died. Now I chose to become pregnant, and thought about the chance I may die, and made plans accordingly if I did die. Luckily the doctors saved me and my baby did also. However I have pretty bad PTSD, which I learned in my maternity group is pretty normal. Also irreversible damage has been done to my body that I likely won’t ever recover from. This isn’t the case for all women, but it is for many of us. These consequences of PTSD, irreversible bodily damage, and death are very different consequences than that of paying for a meal. Given that many of these people did not chose this, and many are even children, even sexually abused children, I don’t think they should have to risk their lives for something they didn’t order.
What say you about this case?
A 10 year old was sexually abused and denied an abortion. For information the body of a 10 year old is generally not healthy enough to give birth, as the child is not even big enough for a baby to come out of her. Furthermore a pregnant child that young is at high risk to develop a number of dangerous conditions including preeclampsia, the very disease that nearly cost me my life. Should this child have to risk her entire life and permeant physical damage for the rest of her life because someone else abused her?
And believe it or not, this is quite common. I know countless women who have been rapped and for many of them it started when they were children. Children are easy targets for rapists because they have less control over their lives and can be easily manipulated. I also know women who had abortions as adult women for other reasons which were not their faults.
Paying for a meal is a radically different outcome than risking death- and many of these people didn’t even order the meal in the first place. I don’t think this an accurate metaphor. And many of these people are children.